Due to potential inclement weather, our Elizabeth City office will be closed tomorrow, 1/22/25. Our Peninsula offices will open at 9am. All other offices will open at 10am. Thank you.

Nurse Navigators

Nurse Navigators

How Do Nurse Navigators Help Cancer Patients?

Nurse navigators are registered nurses who specialize in oncology and serve as a guide for patients. They are able to answer clinical questions and provide any needed guidance during treatment. They spend time with patients and their loved ones to understand the patient's treatment plan and the family's situation so they can then recommend education and guidance. They are there to help patients as they move through the full continuum of care, from detection and diagnosis to treatment and cancer survivorship. 

Meet the Nurse Navigators at Virginia Oncology Associates

Virginia Richards, RN
Lake Wright (Norfolk) - (757) 368-5043




    Darlynn Lyons, RN, OCN, ONN
    Peninsula - (757) 323-1048




Pamela Murray, RN
Western Tidewater & North Carolina - (252) 337-8217



  Our Nurse Navigation team helps coordinate care and provides guidance to our patients in the following areas:

  • Assessing the individual and personal needs of you and your family
  • Helping direct patients on the best pathway to treatment
  • Providing clinical guidance and education
  • Communicating with physicians, support service personnel, family members and others on your behalf
  • Providing follow-up and ongoing support
  • Assisting with referrals and appointments